Friday 1 June 2012

New old song

I need a new song in my heart but before I find one, this old one seems new today. It has been with me through many journeys.

Psalm 63

My soul thirsts for Thee,
and my flesh yearns for Thee
in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Thus have I beheld Thee,
in the Sanctuary,
to see Thy power and Thy glory.

God, Thou art my God,
I shall seek Thee earnestly.

My soul thirsts for Thee,
and my flesh yearns for Thee
in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Thus have I beheld Thee,
in the Sanctuary,
to see Thy power and Thy glory.

God, Thou art my God,
I shall seek Thee earnestly.

I shall seek Thee earnestly.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the songs, my friend. Reminds me of how He holds us, firmly, unwavering. solid rock we can cling to. In our brokenness- physical, emotional, spiritual, mental- he will never allow us to fall apart. Only broken.
